2 Kings 20 - Day 482 (link to today's reading)
Scripture: 2 Kings 20:1-11 Observation: God changes His mind. Application: Does God really change His mind? The bible tells us that God heard Hezekiah's plea and instructed Isaiah to go back to the king and tell him that he will be healed. Huh? Prayer: Lord, have mercy on us... 2 Kings 19 - Day 481 (link to today's reading)
Scripture: 2 Kings 19:1-7 Observation: In desperation, Hezekiah seeks the prophet Isaiah's counsel. Application: God can take care of Himself so He will defend His honor and name. The Assyrian emissaries blaspheme the name of the Lord and threaten the king and southern tribe of Israel. In fear, Hezekiah pleads and God reveals His plans to redeem Himself. Prayer: Lord, redeem Your Holy Name... 2 Kings 18 - Day 480 (link to today's reading)
Scripture: 2 Kings 18:6-12 Observation: Hezekiah becomes king of Judah and puts his trust in the Lord. In contrast, king Hoshea of Israel disregards the Mosaic covenant and the northern kingdom is besieged by Assyria. Application: God's blessings come with obedience. Although there was no one like Hezekiah among all the kings of Judah, like a bully the king of Assyria chose to pick on the southern kingdom of Israel. The ending of this chapter gives us the impression that all was lost but in reality, God is in control so remain faithful. Prayer: Lord, help us... 2 Kings 17 - Day 479 (link to today's reading)
Scripture: 2 Kings 17:1-8 Observation: God fulfills his prophecy and disciplines the northern kingdom of Israel. Application: The bible tells us that God is patient and gives us the opportunity to repent (change our beliefs and behavior) but ultimately will fulfill his word. The northern kingdom of Israel abandoned their covenant with God and followed the detestable practices of the inhabitants of the land. Am I or have I done the same? Prayer: Search my heart, oh God... 2 Kings 16 - Day 478 (link to today's reading)
Scripture: 2 Kings 16:1-3 Observation: King Ahaz doesn't follow the example of his ancestors but instead follows the example of the kings of Israel. Application: Things that start small can easily grow into something uncontrollable. Ahaz doesn't follow the example of his ancestor, then he offers sacrifices at pagan shrines and becomes inoculated to the evil before him. After that he makes an unholy alliance and continues down the path of what's best for me, myself and I. Prayer: Lord, draw me close to You... |
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