Malachi 2 - Day 986 (link to reading)
Scripture: Malachi 2:1-9 Commentary ( Malachi had to deal with a variety of sins among the clergy and the people. In the last section he had to deal with their “cheap” worship and contempt for the ritual; and in the next section he will address the problem of divorce and marriage to pagans. Whenever there are such violations out of control in the people--people who claim to be followers of the LORD--it is almost always due to bad teaching. Somehow the people had the idea that these things were not sins, or that they could do them and get away with them. And so Malachi turns in this passage to address the priests, these ministers who were failing to do what they were supposed to do. Blaming the priests for the problems in no way let the guilty off the hook; they were responsible for their sin even if they were unaware of what Scripture said about it. But the guilt was greater for those who by their false teaching condoned sin in the congregation. Application: Everyone is accountable for their actions and inactions. However, leaders and teachers have an additional responsibility because we influence others. Prayer: Lord, show me the way... Malachi 1 - Day 985 (link to reading)
Scripture: Malachi 1:1 Summary ( Malachi’s unique position as the final book of the Old Testament offers a glimpse into the hearts of Israelite men and women, members of a nation that had been specially chosen by God, descendents of Abraham, and inheritors of the rich tradition of the Jewish people. Their history told of glories like the exodus from Egypt and the faithfulness of God to King David. But they had also experienced the judgment of wandering in the desert and the shame of exile from the Promised Land. At the time of Malachi, well over a thousand years after Abraham’s era, the Israelites had the advantage and weight of history on their side; they could see the shining rewards of faithfulness and the punishments associated with judgment, even to the point of being uprooted from their land. But even then, with all that perspective, the book of Malachi teaches us that they still strayed from the Lord’s path. They needed God’s intervention as much as ever, so this book, as a final statement of judgment in the Old Testament, anticipates God’s saving work through the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Application: Like the Israelites, we also need God's intervention to help us remain faithful. Prayer: Lord, show me Your face... Zechariah 14 - Day 984 (link to reading)
Scripture: Zechariah 14:1-15 Commentary ( There is a day mentioned repeatedly in the Bible that we should be anticipating with eagerness. It is called “the day of the Lord.” It is a major theme of this chapter (14:1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 20, & 21). The day of the Lord is not a 24-hour day, but that future period of time when the Lord will bring judgment to the wicked and salvation to His faithful. The New Testament makes clear that the hallmark of this day will be the second coming of Jesus Christ to earth. He will destroy the nations that are on the verge of destroying Israel, and establish His millennial reign over all the earth from Jerusalem. But before He comes, Jesus prophesied that there will be a time of tribulation such has never occurred before, nor ever will occur after. I used to believe that the church will be raptured before the tribulation, but I now am not so sure about that. But whether we are raptured beforehand or go through the tribulation, we certainly must be prepared for persecution. At the end of the tribulation, there will be cataclysmic events in the heavens, all the nations of the earth will mourn, and then “they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory.” He will send forth His angels to gather His elect from all over the earth (see Matt. 24:21-31). Then Jesus will rule the nations with a rod of iron (Rev. 12:5; 19:15). Application: When Jesus comes again, he will come as the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Every person will bow before him and recognize his power and authority. Prayer: Lord, even with your grace, I am unworthy... Zechariah 13 - Day 983 (link to reading)
Scripture: Zechariah 13:1 Commentary ( Continuing from chapter 12 where it spoke of those looking upon whom they had pierced and the great mourning that had come upon the people, God opens up with these thoughts: “In that day a fountain will be opened for the house of David and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for impurity.” (Zechariah 13:1) Even though there were those who had rejected the Messiah, had pierced Him, there was a fountain provided for cleansing. What an amazing thought! The mercy of God continues to flow to all people, even when they’ve come directly against His Son. Application: The "fountain" continues to flow and wash away the sins of the world. Prayer: Lord, You alone I long to worship... Zechariah 12 - Day 982 (link to reading)
Scripture: Zechariah 12:1-14 Commentary ( Some call it Armageddon. Others refer to it as the Great Final Battle. It is the time prophesied here and through other prophets and John in Revelation of the final siege of Jerusalem by her enemies. Although details are not as graphic as through other writings, the same message is there: A large battle will take place. The Holy Fear of the Lord is prevalent. Destruction in time will come to these who oppose God’s people. The interesting thing within these verses is there will come a moment for each and all that they realize who Jesus is, who He said He was from the beginning. And as this passage states, they will mourn. All will realize He is the King of whom they pierced and killed. Application: In the end, everyone will stand before Jesus and know that he is the Son of God who came to reconcile the world back to Father God. Some will rejoice, but many will stand in disbelief and that's the reason why our mission is so important. Prayer: Lord Jesus help my unbelief... |
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