Esther 4 - Day 958 (link to reading)
Scripture: Esther 4:1-17 Commentary ( When Mordecai calls upon her to act on behalf of her people, we can easily imagine Esther saying, “Who? Me? I don’t have any power or authority. I’m just an orphan Jew who doesn’t even belong at court, faking my way through each day. Can’t some passionate prophet step up and do it? Or maybe one of Yahweh’s priests?” It’s clear that she has never thought of herself as having the agency to effect change or make a difference. Mordecai makes a case to Esther that she must step into this particular historical moment. Her personal history intersects with the Jews’ corporate history at this particular time, in this particular place. In fact, says Mordecai, maybe her personal history has led her precisely to this moment, “for such a time as this,” because, as a Jewish woman who is also Queen Esther, she is in a unique position to save her people. Application: God is working His plan of redemption and has invited us to do our part. Prayer: Lord, Thy will be done... Comments are closed.
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