Exodus 32 - Day 85 (link to reading plan)
Scripture: Exodus 32:18-24 Observation: While Moses was meeting with God on Mount Sinai, Aaron and the Israelites run amok and make a golden idol. Application: It's bad enough that Aaron succumbed to the people's pleading and made a golden calf but come on, did he really say, "When they brought it to me, I simply threw it into the fire - and out came this calf!" Aaron abdicated his leadership and 3000 people died. This is a vivid reminder that there are consequences for our sins and the "collateral damage" often affects those around us. Prayer: Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy. Exodus 31 - Day 84 (link to reading plan)
Scripture: Exodus 31:1-11 Observation: God filled Bezalel with His Spirit to equip him with the wisdom and skill necessary to construct the tabernacle as He designed. Application: God wants us to succeed so like a great parent, He provides the necessary support, encouragement, and even supernatural guidance when needed. Prayer: Lord, thank You for being there for me. Exodus 30 - Day 83 (link to reading plan)
Scripture: Exodus 30:7-9 Observation: God's instructions clearly communicate His expectations that Aaron was to burn fragrant incense every morning and evening. Application: Having a daily routine helps build the discipline needed to succeed in life. When we're obedient in the small stuff, like burning incense, then God will trust us with "bigger" tasks. Prayer: Lord, help me to appreciate the small things in life that require discipline. Exodus 29 - Day 82 (link to reading plan)
Scripture: Exodus 29:19-21 Commentary: blood on earlobe, thumb, big toe. Just as blood is used to make the altar fit for service, so too it is used to designate the faculties of the priest: to hear the word of God, perform sacrifices with his hands and lead the people to worship with his feet. There is also an element of purification of each of these abilities through the blood of expiation (compare Lev 14:14). Matthews, V. H., Chavalas, M. W., & Walton, J. H. (2000). The IVP Bible background commentary: Old Testament (electronic ed., Ex 29:20). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press. Application: Just because we don't understand the significance of something we read in the bible, doesn't make it irrelevant. In fact, it should pique our curiosity and we should take the time to investigate its meaning. Prayer: Lord, I trust that You know what You are doing, please increase my faith. Exodus 28 - Day 81 (link to reading plan)
Scripture: Exodus 28:30 Observation: The priest were required to wear sacred garments as they performed their duties before the Lord. The "urim and thummin" were placed within the breastplate over the priest's heart. No one really knows what these two items looked like, but we do know that they were used to determine the Lord's will. Application: Like in a SciFi movie, tradition reveals that the urim and thummin would glow to indicate the Lord's will. Thank God that we don't need any garments or mysterious stones to speak to God or determine His will for our lives. Prayer: Praise God, from whom all blessings flow. |
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