Acts 16 - Day 727 (link to reading)
Scripture: Acts 16:11-15 Observation: As Paul, Silas & Timothy share the good news of Jesus Christ (using the person of piece strategy outlined in Luke 10:1-12), a woman named Lydia became intrigued and the Lord opened her heart to respond to Paul’s message. Application: It’s not my job to open someone’s heart to the gospel, only the Holy Spirit can do that. It’s my responsibility to share the good news so people have an opportunity to respond. Prayer: Lord Jesus, please give me opportunities to share your good news today. Acts 15 - Day 726 (link to reading)
Scripture: Acts 15:36-41 Observation: Paul and Barnabus had a sharp disagreement that caused them to go separate ways. Barnabus wanted to give John Mark a second chance to redeem himself. Paul didn’t trust John Mark and chose Silas to accompany him. “Barnabus” means son of encouragement and true to his name, he believed in others. Remember that Barnabus was the first to welcome Saul of Tarsus into the Christian community. Application: God’s will for our lives is to be sanctified, to be more like Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. Even the great Paul the apostle needed to be sanctified. Prayer: Lord Jesus, have your way in me. Help me to forgive as I have been forgiven. Help me to be more like you. Acts 14 - Day 725 (link to reading)
Scripture: Acts 14:8-20 Observation: Paul heals a man with crippled feet in Lystra and the crowds think that he is a god but he and Barnabas dissuade the mob. Soon afterward when some Jews convince the from Antioch convince the crowd to stone Paul (with rocks), and when presumed dead he is dragged out of town. Application; Crowds can be fickle so don't base your strategy on keeping their support. Instead, choose to be on God's side, so if the crowd decides to stone you, there may be a chance for your survival. Prayer: Lord, Your will be done... Acts 13 -- Day 724 (link to reading)
Scripture: Acts 13:9-11 Observation: Paul prays for Elymas to “be blind for a time.” Application: Pray offensively, to hinder the work of our enemy. As Christians, we need to be reminded that we are in a war and that our enemy is doing everything in his power to destroy us. Rather than pray defensively for protection, comfort and healing, we must follow Paul’s example and pray offensively to counter the works of Satan. Prayer: Lord Jesus, blind those who oppose You and Your work at Waiokeola. Acts 12 - Day 723 (link to reading)
Scripture: Acts 12:1 Observation: As the early church continued to grow, King Herod begins to persecute this group and has James (John's brother) murdered. Application: I've heard within the ranks of various Christian organizations that the safest place to be is within the center of God's will. Although I understand where they are coming from, it's verses like this that make me think otherwise. Being in God's will isn't about safety, it's all about faith and obedience. Our lives here on earth are illustrated in the bible as a vapor, or a wisp of smoke. Here today and gone tomorrow. However, the good news is that if we are in a relationship with Jesus, then we are given eternal life and knowing that will help us endure whatever trials may come. Prayer: Lord, have Your way in me... |
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