Daniel 3- Day 847 (link to reading)
Scripture: Daniel 3:16-18 Commentary (jesusplusnothing.com): Daniel chapter 3 is a well known and well loved chapter in the Bible. It contains things we all like in a story... 90 foot idols, furious kings, fiery furnaces hot enough to kill people who are just passing by... That sort of thing. When we left our friends at the end of chapter two everything was going along very nicely thank you very much. Daniel and his three amigos Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were exalted to a position of privilege and power in Babylon. But unfortunately things have a habit of changing in this life. And so they did, for King Nebuchadnezzar decided to setup a golden image that was ninety foot high and nine foot wide! And what's worse, everyone is commanded to bow down and worship the image! Oh great! Now there are a couple of ways to take a passage such as this - personally and prophetically. While I'll focus more on the former, there are some really interesting prophetic implications of this chapter that will definitely be noted! Application: Even if our God does not save us, we will not bow down to your gods. These boys understood that our life here on earth is temporary. Hold on to the eternal and life will be simple. Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me believe... Daniel 2 - Day 846 (link to reading)
Scripture: Daniel 2 Commentary (trueriches.com): In the second chapter of the book of Daniel, we are transported to the second year of the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar. The chapter centers around Nebuchadnezzar’s troubling, yet prophetic, dream. When none of the king’s magicians and seers are able to reveal the dream and its meaning, young Daniel steps forward endued with God’s wisdom. Daniel’s interpretation of the king’s dream foretells the unfolding of future world empires, including the final world empire. This richly prophetic dream also reveals the destruction of all of these world empires by the coming Kingdom of God. This is a vital prophetic chapter in the study of eschatology. The chapter concludes with the decision of King Nebuchadnezzar to promote Daniel, and his three friends, over the entire province of Babylon. Application: God reveals Nebuchadnezzar’s dream to Daniel and gives him the interpretation. When Daniel tells the King the meaning, he gives all the credit to God. When we humble ourselves, God can use us. Prayer: Lord, You alone I long to worship... Daniel 1 - Day 845 (link to reading)
Scripture: Daniel 1 Summary (insights.org): The book of Daniel stands as a unique mix in the Old Testament, for while it begins with history, it makes a strong transition at chapter 7, where it contains visions of future events significant to the Jews. In particular, Daniel 9:24–27 gives a meticulous timeline of when Israel’s Messiah would appear and the events that would follow. In both the historical and the prophetic sections, Daniel presents a strong case for the absolute sovereignty of God, even over a multiplicity of self-absorbed foreign powers. This theme of sovereignty occurs on numerous occasions, including Daniel’s deliverance from the lions’ den, his friends’ rescue from the fiery furnace, and the future arrival of the Ancient of Days to save His people from the forces of evil (Daniel 3:23–30; 6:19–23; 7:9–22). Application: The adventure continues for the Israelites as Daniel and his friends are deported to Babylon. However, instead of being dragged off in chains, the boys are picked for Nebuchadnezzar's management trainee program and treated like royalty. God's plans are not fair, but notice who he chooses to represent him. They all are people of integrity and have undying faith. Prayer: Lord, help me to believe... Galatians 6 - Day 844 (link to reading)
Scripture: Galatians 6:1-3 Observation: Paul reminds the Galatian church that there are supposed to "be there" for one another. Application: Sometimes we all need a reality check to remind us of who we are. I love the way the NLT bible doesn't beat around the bush and tell "it" like it is. Don't be arrogant or self-centered because you're not that important. Wow. Prayer: Lord, thank You for the reminder... Galatians 5 - Day 843 (link to reading)
Scripture: Galatians 5:16-25 Observation: Paul contrasts the fruit of the Spirit and the consequences of our fleshy desires. Application: Growing up, I spent a lot of time hanging out at a friend's home down the street. He had a huge yard with several mango trees so we spent our time playing tag and jumping from limb to limb (as a parent now, I wouldn't let my kids do half of the things I did growing up - maybe even 3/4). Then one day my friend's father cut down one of the mango trees. I asked my friend, "Why?" and he said because it wasn't producing any mangos. The tree was just taking up a lot of space and dropping a lot of leaves and making a huge mess. Trees are supposed to produce fruit. If it doesn't produce any fruit, it's a bad tree. Disciples of Jesus are supposed to make disciples of Jesus... Prayer: Lord, Thy will be done... |
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