Jeremiah 47 - Day 696 (link to reading)
Scripture: Jeremiah 47:1-5 Commentary ( The judgments of God are not meaningless whims where He suddenly decides to make a move. They’re not based on any prejudice or revenge. God who has always been just and fair, moves when His timing is right. More on point, He has always given opportunities for repentance or the heart to be turned to Him. Although God chose Israel to be His people, His love transcends all people groups and greatly desires every tribe and nation, world leader and peasant to come to Him. That said, as we have read and know to be true, He will not tolerate sin. Yes, He will go to unbelievable means to reach us, but there does come a point where the judgment falls. This was not His desire nor has it ever been. God so desires for salvation to be granted rather than His wrath. Application: The "greater" has power over the "lessor", but that doesn't stop us from judging them. What would you do if you were God? Think about it. How would you handle all the evil, injustice, and corruption in the world? Would you be as merciful as YHWH? Prayer: Thank You Lord... Jeremiah 45 & 46 - Day 695 (link to reading)
Scripture: Jeremiah 45 Commentary ( Because Baruch was willing to be obedient to God, God blessed him by promising him safety and liberty. Even though Baruch had to go into hiding for fear of his life, God was with him. In our lives, God may not always seem to be with His people. There are dark days, days of hiding, where it seems that the entire world has turned against the Christian. Christians have been and in some places currently are persecuted for their faith in Jesus. Does this mean that God has left the believer? Application: God blesses those who choose to be faithful. Remember that our present circumstances are temporary and will soon pass, for God is in control. Prayer: Lord, please reveal Your goodness to... Jeremiah 44 - Day 694 (link to reading)
Scripture: Jeremiah 44:16-19 Commentary ( The Jews in this chapter chose to view their circumstances as a result of not offering incense to the “queen of heaven.” They completely failed to recognize the connection between leaving the Lord and their dire situation. They had already determined in their minds to serve other gods. The truth could not reach them because of this determination. They were, in fact, stubborn in their sin. Application: The Israelites were blinded by their arrogance and stubborn hearts. "Ainokea" I do what I like - sound familiar? This same attitude has plagued human beings from the garden of Eden. The only cure for this type of sin is dying to ourselves, picking up our cross, and following Jesus. Sadly, everyone will die a physical death but hold onto their "freedom" to do as they please. Prayer: Lord Jesus, have mercy on me a sinner... Jeremiah 43 - Day 693 (link to reading)
Scripture: Jeremiah 43:1-13 Commentary ( You would like to think that God’s miraculous redemption of His people from bondage in Egypt would have confirmed their hearts in submission to His providential care. But when times of pressure arise, we find the Jews fleeing back to Egypt in direct rebellion to God’s revealed will. How prone our hearts are to wander and forget the faithfulness of our God. How arrogant we become at times in considering our thoughts and ways to be superior to God’s revealed plan. This passage should give us pause to sincerely seek the Lord’s will so as to avoid making a mess of our lives. Application: For the past 40+ years Jeremiah has faithfully shared God's instructions with the Israelites. However, time and again, they have disregarded Jeremiah and his warnings. After the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem, you would think that the Israelites would trust Jeremiah but instead, we witness their stubbornness. Sadly, I can relate to their rebellious hearts. Prayer: Lord Jesus, have mercy on me a sinner... Jeremiah 42 - Day 692 (link to reading)
Scripture: Jeremiah 42:1-6 Commentary ( As the story continues, the men and people of Judah sought out Jeremiah. They were in desperation for favor from God. They were feeling the affliction as their numbers had been seriously reduced. “Pray for us” was their first request. “We will do whatever God asks…” was the second statement. What we will see is they wanted the prayers but were unwilling to do what God said. This is revealed in the next chapter. Application: In the NT, Jesus instructs us to say what we mean. Although the remnant appears sincere, they're really "fishing" for the answer that they want to hear. YHWH knows our hearts so we might as well be honest with Him and ourselves. Prayer: Search my heart oh God... |
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