Job 26 - Day 1031 (link to reading)
Scripture: Job 26 Commentary ( I’ve learned over the years through so much counseling sessions or even speaking with another as a friend that sometimes I need to shut up. So often within one of these conversations where a person is talking about whatever hardship they are going through I ask, “Do you want my thoughts on this or simply looking to get things out?” Depending on their answer, dictates where our conversations go from there. But I can tell you, if they are not wanting my thoughts – they are not given. I don’t try to come around the barn and sneakily give them. That’s not what they wanted and I will honor that request. This definitely is a challenge. For sometimes God has given us some pretty good insight as an outsider to a situation. Just being a bystander to their struggle gives fresh eyes. However, if they’re not ready to receive that, we mustn’t try to force the issue until they are ready to see things differently or at least from a different perspective. Application: Showing love and compassion is crucial, sometimes more so than analyzing and offering advice. People really need a friend more than our theology. How well do I practice this? Prayer: Lord Jesus, have mercy on me a sinner... Job 25 - Day 1030 (link to reading)
Scripture: Job 25 Commentary ( Sometimes there’s nothing left to say. Sometimes conversations come to an impasse, a screaming halt. It seems the 3 friends of Job have done just that. As with the previous way they responded, each spoke and gave their lofty opinion to which Job countered back. They are running out of fuel as Bildad’s very short response here is the final. More to the point, there is nothing new he states but regurgitates the same philosophy and mindset. On some levels, you could reason Job’s rebuttals have finally silenced them. Application: According to Proverbs 18, the words we speak hold the power to bring life or death. Unfortunately, Job's friends never learned this lesson, as their hurtful words caused harm. Let's take a moment to reflect on the words we've spoken to our loved ones, and take action if needed. Prayer: Lord have mercy... Job 24 - Day 1029 (link to reading)
Scripture: Job 24 Commentary ( We’ve all been there. We look upon those who are wicked, the people who seemingly get away with complete defiance to the ways of God; we gaze upon these who are not caught in their deceit and wonder, “Why isn’t God doing something?!” Right? We’ve all been there. Job posed the same question as he looked at his life and saw how he had been blessed then unexplainably been hit so hard and stripped of everything. It made no sense. Obviously, all the introspection led him to consider his own ways, which he sees he’s been blameless and had not done anything deserving of such tragedy. His perspective shifting outward, the questions had him reeling. “Why are these others not sold out to God getting away with so much?” This chapter is difficult as Job questions many things. Giving examples of people who labor and strive to do right or good are met with hardship and tragedy. Application: As finite beings, we strive to know why things happen the way that they do so we can "fix" the problem. Sometimes things happen just because life isn't fair. My simple answer doesn't help us feel better, but at least it makes us lean on God. Prayer: Lord, have mercy... Job 23 - Day 1028 (link to reading)
Scripture: Job 23:1-10 Commentary ( Some translations read east, west, north, and south. This would have been a metaphor for the fact that Job cannot find God anywhere. By his perception, God has vanished or hidden Himself. The ever-present God (as Psalms would describe Him) cannot be felt. Have you ever thought this about God? I can remember experiencing a dark time in my ministry career when I had to step out of a job without really knowing what I was going to do next. I knew my time at my current position was over, but I wanted something firm lined up for an easy transition. I had been in talks with an opportunity, but there were no guarantees. I can remember calling a friend during this time and complaining. “I can’t feel God!… He’s gone silent!… I have no direction!” Now, it seems a little over-dramatic, but at the time, it was brutal. I wrestled so much with why I had to be in this place of limbo. In a very small way, I felt like Job. My prayers seemingly were going unanswered and my dream of being in ministry seemed far away. It would be in these moments where I would learn to lean more heavily on Him. Application: In his defense, Job asked to be judged by God himself because he wanted the opportunity to speak to the Almighty Creator face to face. Wow. Knowing myself, I wouldn't do that - ever. However, the book of Job gives us permission to do so, if you think you're as righteous as Job. Prayer: Lord Jesus have mercy on me a sinner... Job 22 - Day 1027 (link to reading)
Scripture: Job 22:21-28 Commentary ( The third and final round begins between Job and his friends. The first cycle his friends spoke in generalities, without making their doctrine specifically to Job and what was going on with him. The second round dealt with those who were wicked and how God punishes them. Job was the focus. His rebuttal to each of these men is in complete contradiction to their own ideas. Now the third begins and when all is said and done, there is nothing left to state and a gap between the men stands wide open. Eliphaz opens this round and has nothing new to state. Once again truth is mixed with opinion here as he confronts Job on sin in his life. That said, toward the end in his own way was trying to offer hope to Job that if he would simply stop lying and confess his sin – God would be merciful. The last portion of what Eliphaz says is a spot on beautiful picture of the restoration God brings to those who return to him. It marks that of confession, mercy and God bringing peace to the repentant. These words hold what takes place when we repent, but as we know, do not apply to Job and his situation. Application: Even when I think I'm right, I'm learning to rethink (repent) my position because my arrogance hinders my thought process. Prayer: Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy... |
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