Ezekiel 24 - Day 811 (link to reading)
Scripture: Ezekiel 24:16-17 Commentary (thewarehouse.blog): Ministry is hard. And I don’t just mean formal ministry positions. I really mean following Jesus is hard. There are so many days I feel like I’ve run for miles and traveled nowhere. Love your enemies. Humble yourself to the lowliest position. Renounce all your possessions. Consider your worst days as pure joy. That’s just the shortlist. I’m not complaining. I’m verbalizing the reality of taking Jesus’ commands as seriously as we should. He loves us and we love Him, so He expects obedience. After all, He gave us the Word (which He exemplified in the flesh) as well as the Holy Spirit. On top of that, He formed the church which allows us to work together as His Body. He also removed sin and death from our sight. No matter how difficult it may be to follow, we have been given the strength and the power to follow through. Out of all the commands of the OT, there are few I can think of more difficult than what is asked of Ezekiel in Chapter 24. Application: Ezekiel obeyed God's command not to lament or weep for his wife at her death, illustrating his undying obedience. Most would balk at the thought and even criticize God and Ezekiel for being heartless. Yet, from God's perspective of eternity, is his request so unreasonable? Prayer: Lord, change me heart and my perspective... Ezekiel 23 - Day 810 (link to reading)
Scripture: Ezekiel 23:11-21 Commentary (melissabeaty.com): In this chapter, God compares the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah as two sisters. Israel was the younger for it broke away from Judah (I Ki. 12:16-19). The younger was punished for her sins of idolatry by being overrun by Assyria and carried away captive (II Ki. 17:1-18). Instead of learning from Israel’s punishment, Judah continued in her sins. Judah could not recognize God’s judgment on her sister and therefore could not fear that same judgment on herself. Application: For whatever reason, some people need to experience life and its consequences for themselves. Sadly, many never recover from their tragic choices and defiantly continue down their path of self-destruction. Like a hurt parent, God weeps for their soul. Prayer: Lord have mercy on me a sinner... Ezekiel 22 - Day 809 (link to reading)
Scripture: Ezekiel 22:6-12 Commentary (thewarehouse.blog): Spiritual sin = practical consequences. This is a fact. Though the OT and NT are under different covenants, God is consistent. Israel would experience physical consequences for the heinous acts they committed spiritually. Though they did not see the spiritual disaster they were creating, they would eventually feel the ramifications of their spiritual bankruptcy. Application: The book of Romans tells us that the consequence of sin is death. The Israelites had abandoned their covenant relationship with God and adopted the world's depravity. The Israelites did horrendous things to one another and acted as if there were no consequences. Without Jesus, the world would turn into a very dark place. Prayer: Lord, shine Your light in and through me... Ezekiel 21 - Day 808 (link to reading)
Scripture: Ezekiel 21:12 Commentary (thewarehouse.blog): It is true, Israel had what was coming to them. They had been defiant against God. Many had warned of what was to come and now it was there. Sometimes when we are looking at another who has been so caught up in sin and the wreckage they stand in as a result of it, our attitude becomes hardened. “They’re getting everything they deserve,” we think. And indeed, they probably are. But the reality is they are still lost children. They are experiencing the fallout because of their choices. God grieves over this. He’s asking Ezekiel to grieve over their sin and asks the same to us. You see, having compassion for another does not justify their behavior or give them a pass. It’s far from it. But when we embrace the Father Heart of God we see even these who are deserving of what has come, it should bring sorrow. They are lost. They have been separated from Him. We should grieve for these and continue to keep a heart that is broken as a result of their choices. Application: In order to "love our neighbor as ourselves," we need to care about them, even if they don't deserve it. Instead of saying, "I told you so...," we can start with "How can I help." Prayer: Lord, only by Your grace... Ezekiel 20 - Day 807 (link to reading)
Scripture: Ezekiel 20:39 Commentary (thewarehouse.blog): For a good part of my adult life, I chased after the hopes and dreams of man. I had my eyes set on the material pleasures and the finite comforts of this world. God’s plan was an afterthought. Although I believed, I wasn’t proactive in my cooperation alongside Christ. I walked away from Him and He let me. Many times in Scripture we read about God stepping back and letting the natural consequences of life cave in on His people. This is one of those times. Go and serve your idols. It’s such a black and white statement. Why does God allow it? Why doesn’t He just stop it with His sovereign hand? The real question is, what kind of love is demanding, controlling, and manipulative? Application: In God's love for His children, He gives us the freedom to make our own decisions. Sometimes, I wish that He wouldn't give me so much freedom but understand that if I'm obligated to do something, then it's really not my choice. Prayer: Lord, renew my heart for You... |
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