Psalm 89 - Day 837 (link to reading)
Scripture: Psalm 89 Commentary ( ...Psalm 89 is a complicated psalm, filled with twists and turns, and very difficult to fit into a single form. For the purposes of Advent, the most important thing to be said about Psalm 89 is that it is a royal psalm, a designation that it shares with such significant psalms as 2, 18, 45, 72, and 110 among others. Royal psalms place particular emphasis on:
For the most part, these psalms were written about real kings, often at special times like enthronement or weddings, or in perilous times when the king was in danger. By the time of the completed psalter, these psalms were no longer about living kings. Instead the royal psalms had become about the promise of a messianic king who was to come, the leader of God’s future kingdom. For this reason, the royal psalms are very often important for the writers of the New Testament… they point to Jesus. And they are particularly important in the time of Advent. We see this very explicitly in this Sunday’s pairing of Psalm 89 with the annunciation story in Luke where Mary is told by the angel Gabriel her son “will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his ancestor David. He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end” (Luke 1:32-33) Application: Jesus is the Son of God who came as an infant to rescue us from ourselves. Our world loves baby Jesus and all the accompaniments of Christmas but won’t recognize him as Lord and King. The world doesn't realize that it doesn't work that way. That's what we're here for - to show and tell them there is so much more than receiving and exchanging gifts every year. Prayer: Lord, give me eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to love you and others... Psalm 87 and 88 - Day 836 (link to reading)
Scripture: Psalm 87 Commentary ( Psalm 87 is a prophetic glimpse as to what God would do through His Son for those not born of Jewish heritage would find one day in worship before His throne. Looking ahead at the Holy City of our God in eternity, it is a beautiful picture of community. Application: “For good so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” was not just a promise that Jesus gave to the Israelites in the New Testament. Here in Psalm 87, we witness God's love for all his children - including you and me. The only condition is to humble ourselves before him and accept his covenant. Prayer: Praise God from whom all blessing flow. Praise him all creatures have below… Ezekiel 48 - Day 845 (link to reading)
Scripture: Ezekiel 48:1-14 Commentary ( The book of Ezekiel comes to a close. It opened with magnificent descriptions of the holiness of God. A holiness that the people of Israel failed to recognize in the wanderings of their hearts. They came to despise the requirements the Lord had placed upon them as His people. They chose to ignore His Words of instruction. They fell headlong into disobedience. As a result, God’s presence was removed. He departed the temple, the city of Jerusalem and the people themselves. He gave them over to their own ways and hardheartedness. The cost was high. They had been taken into captivity by the oppressor. Yet, the book in all of its indictment against them, the consequences of their sinful hearts God held out a promise of His return to them. He had not given up on the these obstinate people. Application: In the end, God restores his children and gives them another chance to live in a covenant relationship with him. The difference this time is that He gives them/us a new heart. Prayer: Lord Jesus, renew my heart for you... Ezekiel 47 - Day 844 (link to reading)
Scripture: Ezekiel 47:1-12 Commentary ( In Ezekiel 47:1-12, the Lord gives His prophet a vision of water flowing out from the temple in Jerusalem. This imagery gives us a vivid, prophetic portrayal of the Spirit’s work in the church. We see what types of things should be happening when the Spirit is at work among the people of the Lord. Application: Jesus is the Waiokeola that gives us life. Ezekiel tells us that living water will flow into the Dead Sea and restore its life. That's exactly what we need him to do in our lives. Prayer: Lord Jesus, please give me of you... Ezekiel 46 - Day 843 (link to reading)
Scripture: Ezekiel 46:2-6 Commentary ( The prince in Ezekiel 46 is not the Messiah. Rather, he seems to be the overseer of Jerusalem, serving under the Messiah’s authority. We know that this prince is not the Lord Jesus because he must make a sin offering for himself as well as the people: “On that day the prince is to provide a bull as a sin offering for himself and for all the people of the land” (Ezekiel 45:22, emphasis added). Whoever the prince is, he is a man with a sinful nature. According to premillennial, dispensational theology, this section of Ezekiel describes the worship of the Lord that will take place during the future 1,000-year reign of Christ on earth during the millennium (see Revelation 20). Christ will be reigning in Jerusalem. There will be a temple, the massive size of which is detailed by Ezekiel. The prince mentioned in Ezekiel 46, it appears, is the leader of the nation of Israel during this time. He is the representative of the nation of Israel and will bring offerings to the Lord and provide an example of devout worship. As with any passage that deals with eschatology, this section of Ezekiel is open to some debate. We believe that the offerings Ezekiel speaks of are similar to the church’s taking of communion. Application: we simply don't know what s going to happen in “the end,” but that's ok because we know who will be there. Prayer: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for… |
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