Isaiah 55 - Day 541 (link to today's reading)
Scripture: Isaiah 55:8 Commentary ( This verse beautifully juxtaposes God’s thoughts and actions against the thoughts and actions of fallen (sin affected) humanity. When the Hebrew text speaks of machashebet “thought, invention, purpose,” it is speaking of that which comes from the core being “lev” heart. The Hebrew lev (heart) is the point at which all other aspects of human existence converge. Therefore, “thought” in this context applies to the will and in particular to the sin affected will which in Hebrew is known as yetzer ha-ra(the inclination toward evil). It is impossible for we as human beings to fully fathom the thoughts and actions of God except by the revelation of God’s Spirit and only to the extent which God allows us to understand Him from our point of view within time and space (sin affected). Thus, God has revealed Himself through His Word (D’var), both written (Scripture) and living (Messiah). Having said this, the present verse is not only a statement of fact it is also an invitation to the sin affected human being to receive the thoughts and ways of God as far as they are available to each person through Messiah...One practical outworking of this is seen in the diligent, Holy Spirit filled study of His Word (Scripture). Application: As a sinful human being whose primary goal is self-preservation, I have an overinflated ego that guides my life and decisions so yes, I agree with Isaiah. Prayer: Lord, change my thoughts to align with Your thoughts and ways... Isaiah 54 - Day 540 (link to today's reading)
Scripture: Isaiah 54:1-8 Commentary ( Once again the use of Hebrew conveys the immenseness of God’s Mercy and compassion when compared to our temporary (seeming) isolation as a result of our sin. He is angry for rega (a moment), but as a result of His loving action (chesed) He affords us olam (everlasting) compassion, faithfulness, wellbeing. All because He is our Redeemer (As Messiah, our kinsman) Mercy (YHVH) Himself. In anger God allowed Israel’s temporary disciplining. However, because His love and mercy precede His judgement, and because He has placed His Name on the people of Israel, His compassion will bring about the promised Messianic reign. The repentant remnant of Israel once given into the hands of the nations, will one day rule over all the nations under the greater son of David, the King Messiah Yeshua. Application: God graciously invites us to have a relationship with Him, on His terms, through His Son Jesus. Prayer: Mahalo Ke Akua... Isaiah 53 - Day 539 (link to today's reading)
Scripture: Isaiah 53:1-3 Commentary ( 2-3 There is no record of the physical appearance of Christ. When He walked on the earth did He have brown hair? Green eyes? No one knows. Nonetheless, there is an abundant record of His character. These verses reveal one such record. From them one knows that: He shows Himself with meekness, coming as a tender plant instead of as a bolt of lightning. There is nothing remarkable about His physical appearance; the Creator of the universe choose to be just average in looks and stature, demonstrating again meekness. He is rejected by those around Him. He bears sorrow in His heart. He has experienced grief. When He is rejected, no one respects Him enough to intervene. Application: God's will for our lives is to be sanctified (Holy) and Jesus is our model. Prayer: Lord, crucify my flesh and my desires... Isaiah 52 - Day 538 (link to today's reading)
Scripture: Isaiah 52:1-15 Commentary ( When the holy temple was on earth, the vessels of the Lord were the spoons, cups, and other objects used to offer sacrifices and burn incense to God. They were the tools used to carry out the worship and laws of God. Today, we have a different temple. Paul writes that we, the believers, are the new temple of God (I Cor 3:16). If, then, we are the holy temple, what are the vessels? Is it not also us? The born-again believers are to make their own bodies a living sacrifice, an object of worship to God in recognition of and praise for His salvation (Rom 12:1)...Nonetheless, is it not a blessing to think of yourself as a living vessel meant for service to God? It is a great honor to be a tool God can use. Application: The latter half of chapter 52 describes the sacrifice Jesus made to redeem the world back to His Father. Likewise, as God's adopted children, we are invited to partner with Him to extend Jesus' sacrifice to the world. Prayer: Lord, help my unbelief... Isaiah 51 - Day 537 (link to today's reading)
Scripture: Isaiah 51:1-7 Commentary ( This is either Isaiah or the Servant speaking (Ultimately all Biblical prophecy is God breathed). The call to listen, hear and obey is firmly established in the first seven verses, where the opening word “Shimu” (Hear you [plural]) is used three times. This call to pay attention and listen carefully is specific to that remnant among the captives of Israel who diligently pursue right action and seek God wholeheartedly. Application: Not everyone disagrees with you. Even though it may seem as if the entire world has fallen away from God, there will always be a remnant who pursues Him, who is Righteous. Seek and support those who follow Jesus. Prayer: Lord, make our path straight... |
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