Mark 3 - Day 934 (link to reading)
Scripture: Mark 3:1-6 Observation: Jesus heals a man with a deformed hand on the Sabbath inciting the religious leaders to "plot how to kill" him. Application: When we're more concerned about observing the law, than how it affects people, we're doing more harm than good. God cares more about how we treat one another, than following rules to look good. Prayer; Lord, help me to love others as You do. Mark 2 - Day 933 (link to reading)
Scripture: Mark 2:23-28 Observation: The Pharisees and religious leaders are indignant with Jesus and his disciples for violating God's commandments. Application: We can obey God's commandments and still sin. The Pharisees and religious leaders of Jesus' day followed the letter of the law but violated the spirit of the law. In their observance of God's law, their hearts were hardened. Prayer: Lord, forgive me for being a modern-day pharisee. Mark 1 - Day 932 (link to reading)
Scripture: Mark 1:1 Observation: Mark begins his biography of Jesus' life by declaring that his story is good news. Application: Good news is supposed to be good. As sons and daughters of God, we should be the most loving, kind, confident, competent, well-adjusted, mature, patient, and gracious individuals on the planet because we have good news to share. Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding me that the the gospel of Jesus is good. Psalm 116, 117, & 118 - Day 931 (link to reading)
Scripture: Psalm 117 Commentary ( “This is the shortest song in the whole collection, but there is none greater or grander in its expression of praise.” (G. Campbell Morgan) “Martin Luther devoted thirty-six pages to this psalm, expounding it in four important categories: (1) prophecy (the Gentiles will participate in gospel blessings), (2) revelation (the kingdom of Christ is not earthly and temporal but rather heavenly and eternal), (3) instruction (we are saved by faith alone and not by works, wisdom, or holiness), and (4) admonition (we should praise God for such a great salvation).” (James Montgomery Boice) ...Since this is one of the six Egyptian Hallel Psalms (113-118), sung as part of the Passover service, Jesus would have sung Psalm 117 with His disciples (Matthew 26:30, Mark 14:26). Therefore, on the eve of His crucifixion, we know that Jesus had all the peoples, all the Gentiles in mind. Through His work on the cross and victory over death at the empty tomb, God would call a people to Himself from every tribe and tongue. Application: Jesus died to reconcile the whole world back to his Father. As God's chosen people, the Israelites thought of themselves as the "favorite child" and acted accordingly. As a Christian, I'm embarrassed to admit that I've acted the same way. Thankfully, this psalm reminds us to be inclusive and share our good fortune with those who don't know. Prayer: Lord, the nations praise You... Psalm 114 & 115 - Day 930 (link to reading)
Scripture: Psalm 115:9-11 Commentary ( Psalm 115 is a continuation of the collection of the Egyptian Hallel psalms (Psalms 113-118) sung by the Jews during their Passover celebrations. It therefore makes up part of the hymns which would have been sung by Jesus and His disciples on the night He was betrayed and arrested, the night before His crucifixion (Matthew 26:30 and Mark 14:26). It is especially meaningful to consider this psalm in the heart and on the lips of Jesus during those great moments. Regarding the structure of this psalm, James Montgomery Boice observed: “The opinion of the majority of scholars is that the psalm is liturgical, intended to be sung by alternating groups of worshipers: the priests, the high priest, the people, and so on.” Application: He (The Lord) is your helper and your shield. Jesus is the Son of God, who was fully human. Meaning he was susceptible to fear and anxiety like us. Hence, he could have found comfort in repeating this sentence, also like us. Prayer: Lord, thank you for showing us the way... |
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