1 Chronicles 28 - Day 586 (link to reading)
Scripture: 1 Chronicles 28:7-9 Observation: David instructs his son Solomon to be careful to obey all of the commands of the Lord, to know God intimately and to worship and serve Him with his whole heart. Application: Unfortunately, Solomon succumb to the sinful nature within human beings and abandoned YHWH. Rather than condemn Solomon's failure to obey, learn from his mistakes and live differently. Prayer: Lord Jesus, have mercy on me a sinner... 1 Chronicles 27 - Day 585 (link to reading)
Scripture: 1 Chronicles 27:33b Commentary (jewishvirtuallibrary.org): HUSHAI THE ARCHITE (Heb. חוּשַׁי הָאַרְכִּי), biblical figure listed in I Chronicles 27:33 as holding the office of "the king's friend" under David. In II Samuel 15:37; 16:17 he is referred to as "David's friend." Hushai figures prominently in the story of the rebellion of *Absalom. At the time of David's flight from Jerusalem, Hushai, deeply grieved and wearing the traditional rent garments and ashes, sought to join David's company on The Mount of Olives, to which they had fled when Jerusalem's capitulation to Absalom appeared inevitable. David, however, persuaded Hushai to return and offer his allegiance to Absalom, so that he might defeat the counsels of *Ahithophel, David's adviser, and that he might supply information to David (II Sam. 15:32–37). Hushai, accepted as a loyal adviser by Absalom, successfully opposed Ahithophel's plan to pursue and attack David immediately, proposing instead that Absalom mass his forces and attack David in person. Having thus afforded David time to escape... Application: Hushai's official position and title was "King David's Friend." We all need someone like Hushai in our lives. If you want good friends, start by being a good friend. Prayer: Lord, thank You for being my best friend, mentor, leader and King... 1 Chronicles 26 - Day 584 (link to reading)
Scripture: 1 Chronicles 26:12-20 Observation: The author identifies and explains the role of the gatekeepers and "others". Application: The gatekeepers were not just glorified ushers. They had the responsibility for the security and safety of the tabernacle. These Levites had the task of making sure that those who passed through the gates were prepared and willing to serve God. Although I wouldn't turn someone away from entering our sanctuary, maybe we should remind everyone that they are on Holy ground. Prayer: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty... 1 Chronicles 25 - Day 583 (link to reading)
Scripture: 1 Chronicles 25:6-8 Observation: The author describes how David and the army commanders appointed the musicians to lead in singing and playing various instruments. Application: Praise God! From the Old to New Testament, we read of many instances where music and praise to God were an intentional part of worship. Our praise and worship of God, through voice and musical instruments, are essential to express our devotion to our Creator. Prayer: Lord - You alone, I long to worship. You alone are worthy of my praise... 1 Chronicles 24 - Day 582 (link to reading)
Scripture: 1 Chronicles 24:5-6 Observation: The author speaks to the structured process of the priesthood while attempting to preserve their intent to worship YHWH. Application: When this was chapter was written, only the priests and Levites worked in "ministry." Today, every follower of Jesus is part of the (Royal) Priesthood of all believers. Prayer: Alleluia! |
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