Judges 7 - Day 299 (link to today's reading)
Scripture: Judges 7:1-8 Observation: God reduces Gideon's army down to 300 men to prove a point. Application: Since God is on our side, numbers don't matter because, with God, I make a majority. Prayer: Lord, do Your thing through me. Judges 6 - Day 298 (link to today's reading)
Scripture: Judges 6:1-13 Observation: Gideon questions the angel (personally, I think with a bit of sarcasm), "if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? And where are all the miracles our ancestors told us about? Didn't they say,..." Application: It's easy to blame God and others for our troubles. It's much harder to look within ourselves and ask, "What could or should, I have done differently?" God wasn't to blame for the Israelite's misfortune. Their disobedience led them to where they were. Prayer: Lord, have mercy on me a sinner... Judges 5 - Day 297 (link to today's reading)
Scripture: Judges 5:1-3 Commentary: Deborah’s Song 5:1–3. singing victory songs. One way to celebrate victories and commemorate them for years to come is to compose and sing songs. They could be employed as immediate tributes to conquering heroes (see Judg 11:34 and 1 Sam 18:6–7) or serve as lasting parts of oral tradition. Matthews, V. H., Chavalas, M. W., & Walton, J. H. (2000). The IVP Bible background commentary: Old Testament (electronic ed., Jdg 5:1–3). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press. Application: Do what you need to do to remember that the Lord is good. Deborah and Barak composed and sang a song to remember that the Lord gave them victory over their enemies. These are the memories that need to be passed down from generation to generation. Prayer: Lord, You are good and Your mercies endureth forever... Judges 4 - Day 296 (link to today's reading)
Scripture: Judges 4:1-10 Observation: When the people cried out to the Lord, He used Deborah to lead them into battle. Application: God created us, both males and females, in His image. Even before the early Church began "ordaining" women for ministry, God equipped and instructed women to represent Him to advance His kingdom. If God is willing to give women the opportunity, then shouldn't we? Prayer: Lord, may Your will be done... Judges 3 - Day 295 (link to today's reading)
Scripture: Judges 3:7-11 Commentary: After the overview of 2:6–3:6, the author now begins to give us, in order, the careers of the various judges that the Lord raised up (see 2:16). The first, Othniel, is a model figure in a number of ways. He belonged to a clan which had close connections with Judah, the leading tribe (1:13). Moreover, he had already distinguished himself in battle and won Caleb’s daughter as his wife (1:11–15)—no intermarriage with Canaanites for him! (See 3:6.) Othniel’s career followed the pattern outlined in 2:11–19 but with two details added: Israel’s cry (9) and his endowment with the Spirit (10). Othniel was designated as God’s chosen deliverer by a special gift of power given to him by God through his Spirit. In this sense he was a ‘charismatic’ leader. Othniel, the first judge, exemplifies the essential features of judgeship. The careers of the following judges represent variations on this basic pattern. Webb, B. G. (1994). Judges. In D. A. Carson, R. T. France, J. A. Motyer, & G. J. Wenham (Eds.), New Bible commentary: 21st century edition (4th ed., pp. 268–269). Leicester, England; Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press. Application: It's easy to look back at the Israelites and question, "How in the world could they forget all that God had done for them and stray?" These words were written to help us stay faithful, so in reality, we need to start with ourselves and ask, "Where have I forgotten God's goodness in my life and wandered away from Him?" Prayer: Lord, thank You for the reminder that You are good... |
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