1 Kings 20 Day 448 (link to today's reading)
Scripture: 1 Kings 20:43 Commentary (biblestudyministry.com): First Kings chapter twenty begins with one of the most original gangster or mobster-moves you’ll ever read about. Benhadad, king of Syria, sent messengers to Ahab (king of Samaria) with a message that declared Ahab’s gold, silver, wives, children, and everything good Ahab had belonged to the king of Syria. Ahab took a page out of agreeing with your adversary and agreed with Benhadad. Benhadad was thrown off at Ahab’s non-resistance, so Benhadad sent another message that his messengers were still going to come and view Ahab’s kingdom, and whatever more they liked they were keeping. Gangster! Ahab didn’t like the second part so he didn’t agree to it. The second part of the king of Syria’s desire tells me Benhadad was looking for a fight from the beginning. A fight he got it. He declared war against Samaria and king Ahab. In all of this, God sent a prophet to Ahab who informed the king that the Heavenly Kingdom would fight on Samaria’s side and deliver Syria into the hands of Ahab. Further, Ahab will know that the Lord is Lord over all. Application: God is faithful even when we are not. I don't get it (why He helped Ahab), but I appreciate His grace when I'm on the receiving end. Prayer: Lord, have mercy on me a sinner... Comments are closed.
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