Acts 12 - Day 723 (link to reading)
Scripture: Acts 12:1 Observation: As the early church continued to grow, King Herod begins to persecute this group and has James (John's brother) murdered. Application: I've heard within the ranks of various Christian organizations that the safest place to be is within the center of God's will. Although I understand where they are coming from, it's verses like this that make me think otherwise. Being in God's will isn't about safety, it's all about faith and obedience. Our lives here on earth are illustrated in the bible as a vapor, or a wisp of smoke. Here today and gone tomorrow. However, the good news is that if we are in a relationship with Jesus, then we are given eternal life and knowing that will help us endure whatever trials may come. Prayer: Lord, have Your way in me... Comments are closed.
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January 2024
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