Acts 15 - Day 726 (link to reading)
Scripture: Acts 15:36-41 Observation: Paul and Barnabus had a sharp disagreement that caused them to go separate ways. Barnabus wanted to give John Mark a second chance to redeem himself. Paul didn’t trust John Mark and chose Silas to accompany him. “Barnabus” means son of encouragement and true to his name, he believed in others. Remember that Barnabus was the first to welcome Saul of Tarsus into the Christian community. Application: God’s will for our lives is to be sanctified, to be more like Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. Even the great Paul the apostle needed to be sanctified. Prayer: Lord Jesus, have your way in me. Help me to forgive as I have been forgiven. Help me to be more like you. Comments are closed.
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