2 Samuel 21 - Day 391 (link to today's reading)
Scripture: 2 Samuel 21:1-14 Observation: A story about drought and consequences for actions taken long ago. Application: Oaths are important to God. He has promised us "eternal life" and that we would be saved from our sins, and so on. When we make promises, we should take them seriously. Prayer: Lord forgive me for my sins of omission and commission. 2 Samuel 20 - Day 390 (link to today's reading)
Scripture: 2 Samuel 20:4-6 Observation: David takes charge of the situation. Application: David took immediate action to eliminate the threat of another coup. He immediately mobilized his forces to eliminate Bicri before he could do further damage. Sometimes a leader needs to take decisive action and doesn't have the time to negotiate for consensus. Prayer: Lord, thy will be done... 2 Samuel 19 - Day 389 (link to today's reading)
Scripture: 2 Samuel 19:1-43 Observation: As David is welcomed back, there are many lessons to be learned by the behavior of friends and foes. Application: In spite of Joab's faults, his actions proved his loyalty to David and for the sake of Israel. Naturally, David grieved the death of his son but did so at the expense of those who protected him. Side note: remember Shimei in chapter 16. As David returns, he comes crawling back for mercy, which David graciously extends. God is just and righteous. Prayer: Lord, who am I that You would be mindful of me... 2 Samuel 18 - Day 388 (link to today's reading)
Scripture: 2 Samuel 18:5-15 Observation: David instructs his men to "deal gently with young Absalom" as they go to battle, but Joab (David's cousin and commander of the army) does what is necessary to end the war. Application: Absalom's arrogance (riding a donkey in battle) and unwillingness to cut his beautiful hair to save himself was his downfall. What am I unwilling to do? Prayer: Lord, I give You my life... 2 Samuel 17 - Day 387 (link to today's reading)
Scripture: 2 Samuel 17:23 Commentary: Partly because he could not bear to outlive his disgrace, and the rejection of his counsel; and partly because he saw that by this means, David would gain time and strength, and, in all probability, prove victorious; and that then the storm would fall most heavily upon his own head, as the main author and pillar of the rebellion, and the contriver of the pernicious counsels above mentioned. Application: Choose God. Don't waste your time or energy trying to promote yourself and climb the ladder of success. Instead, humble yourself before God and He will promote you. Prayer: Lord, have Your way in and through me... |
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