1 Corinthians 5 - Day 776 (link to reading)
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 5:1-5 Observation: Paul instructs the Corinthians to expel the immoral man living in sin with his stepmother so that his sinful nature will be destroyed. Application: When we tolerate sin within the body of Christ, like an infection, the sin will spread throughout the body. It's actually better to cut off a limb that's dead and decomposing than to try and save it. Prayer: Lord, forgive me my sins... 1 Corinthians 4 - Day 775 (link to reading)
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 4:9-13 Observation: Paul explains to the Corinthians that God allows His apostles to be ridiculed and mistreated, "like everybody's trash." Application: Interestingly, the title of being an apostle in our modern church doesn't mean the same thing that it did in the 1st century. Today, it's an honor to be called an "apostle" of God, but back then an apostle was treated like garbage. Yet notice Paul's approach in correcting the Corinthians believers. He doesn't cower in fear, about how they will respond, rather, he graciously explains the truth to them. He treats them like adults and allows them to make their own decisions, but warns them of the consequences. Prayer: Lord, forgive me of my arrogance... 1 Corinthians 3 - Day 774 (link to reading)
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:1-4 Observation: Paul considers the Corinthian church to be immature because of their “worldly” behaviors - jealousy and quarreling, etc. Application: What is my end goal? Why am I holding on to (fill-in the blank)? Why do I feel this way? Prayer: Holy Spirit, search my heart. Cleanse and heal me, sanctify me in Your love. 1 Corinthians 2 - Day 773 (link to reading)
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 2:14 (this verse makes more sense in the greater context of the whole chapter) Observation: Paul explains why followers of Christ think differently than the world.Application: Ever try to explain your relationship with Jesus to a non-believer and get frustrated because “They just don’t get it.” It’s not because your lack of enthusiasm or knowledge or experience (however, the more you practice sharing the gospel/good news the more comfortable you’ll be). It’s because the other person hasn’t received the Holy Spirit. It’s not our jobs to convince someone that Jesus loves them and wants to be their Savior. It’s our responsibility to love Jesus, to love them like Jesus would and to pray for the Holy Spirit to embrace, enter, convict and reveal Himself to them. Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for your mercies and grace. I humbly ask for Your Holy Spirit to reveal Your goodness to my family and friends who do not know You... 1 Corinthians 1 - Day 772 (link to reading)
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:10-13 Observation: The letters (often called epistles in the Christian community) in the New Testament were written to answer questions or address problems. 1 and 2 Corinthians were written by Paul to confront the challenges within church at Corinth. Application: God’s will for our lives is to be like Jesus. Just because we’ve accepted Christ as our Savior, it doesn’t mean that we’re instantly transformed into the image of Jesus. It’s when we submit to His Lordship that we’re transformed. Although we’re “saved” from our sins when we begin a relationship with Jesus, we still have all the baggage of our former life. Same was true for the Church in Corinth. I know that it’s hard to love people who disagree with you, but grace and respect is the most appropriate response. Prayer: Lord have mercy on us and help us to respond in Your grace today. |
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