Deuteronomy 1 - Day 209 (link to reading plan)
Scripture: Deuteronomy 1:1-5 Theme: Deuteronomy, the final book in the Pentateuch, contains Moses’ last three sermons and two prophetic poems about Israel’s future. Reflecting on the nation’s past mistakes, Moses urges the people not to repeat those errors when they enter the Promised Land. Possessing Canaan will fulfill the promises made to the patriarchs, but if the people fall into idolatry or fail to keep the law, they will be exiled. Moses urges Israel to trust and obey, and to conquer the land. He highlights God’s uniqueness (e.g., ch. 4), his power over other nations and armies (e.g., 2:1–23), and his grace and faithfulness. He reminds the people that God promised the land, that God’s gift of the land is undeserved (9:4–6), and that the land is full of good things (e.g., 6:10–12). Moses emphasizes the importance of God’s law, given at Sinai (e.g., see 5:1–3). The large central section of Deuteronomy (12:1–26:19) recites the law and urges Israel to keep it. The law is wide-ranging, incorporating all areas of life (economics, family and sexual relationships, religious observance, leadership, justice, guidance, food, property, and warfare). The details of the laws expand upon the great command of 6:5, that Israel is to love the Lord with all its heart, soul, and strength. Chapters 12–16 show what such total love of God will look like and provide examples of what the Ten Commandments (ch. 5) mean in practice. Application: It's not often that people are given second chances. Although the "Israelites" are positioned to enter the promised land, only two of the original group who left Egypt are still alive. Everyone else died wandering aimlessly in the desert because of their rebellious hearts. We, on the other hand, have been extended the grace of God because of Jesus' sacrifice. Take some time to appreciate this gift and repent (turn to God). Prayer: Lord, thank You for this second chance... Comments are closed.
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