Ecclesiastes 3 - Day 1061 (link to reading)
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3 Commentary ( God has a plan for His people. It’s always been there and stands even to the end of this life we live. Through Solomon’s words, we realize very simply that life is filled with cycles. Cycles of joy and sorrow, cycles of life and death, or even at times the monotony of things all are part of our earthly experiences. Many a time the things we encounter through the life we live walk us through the shadow of death. Death of not only a person but death of things that were once important. He uses these things to draw us past the barriers we may face to trust Him. For as Solomon pens, “He makes everything beautiful in its time”, his point is all the experiences we encounter from the good the bad is still in the hand or oversight of God. There is a discovery through all of the things life throws at us a peace only which can be found in our trust. For this speaks to the mysterious and perfect timing of God. It is never in our own timeframe. Yet, he uses these things that have gone from the highs to the lows to bring His own timing and reflection of His glory. Application: Which "cycle of life" are you currently in? Where do you put your trust? What are the hurts that need to be healed? Who are you trusting during this specific time? Prayer: Lord I need You... Comments are closed.
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