Galatians 3 - Day 841 (link to reading)
Scripture - Galatians 3:10-14 (I recommend reading the whole chapter to understand the context of Paul’s argument) Observation: Paul admonishes the Galatian church for their feeble efforts to justify themselves. Application: Christianity (being in a relationship with God the Father, Jesus the Son of God and the Holy Spirit) is the only “religion" based on grace. Every other world religion requires its members to earn their salvation, or way to heaven. The appeal is that ultimately, you are in control of your own destiny. The problem with this approach is that most people fail miserably. Most people think too highly of themselves and are willing to gamble the farm on their ability to live "righteously.” For whatever reason they think, "As long as I do more good than bad in my lifetime, then in the end God will let me into heaven, right?" Wrong. It doesn’t work that way. That was the purpose of the Mosaic law, to teach us that we can’t measure up to God’s standards. Jesus’ death on the cross was the only acceptable sacrifice that was able to fulfill the requirements of the law. His sacrifice is the propitiation for our sins, not only our sins, but the sins of the world.Hence, when I was offered God’s grace, I surrendered my life (I have been crucified with Christ…Galatians 2:20) and accepted His offer because I understood my limitations and inability to measure up to His expectations. Thankfully, God’s grace didn’t end there. He extends His grace to me everyday. Like a loving Father, He helps, guides, corrects and disciplines me to His very best for my life and family. It’s been a wonderful journey and I invite you to join us. Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your amazing grace, for Your patience and loving support. Please fulfill Your will in and through me... Comments are closed.
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