Genesis 22 - Day 22 (click here to read the chapter)
Scripture: Genesis 22:1-19 Observation: God tests Abraham's faithfulness by instructing him to sacrifice his son Isaac. Application: Even though we live in a different world than Abraham did, it's still hard to believe that God would test him by instructing him to sacrifice his son. Unless God already knew what would happen. I guess that's the benefit of being omniscient. So, if God already knew that Abraham would faithfully obey His instructions, then what was this story all about? Who actually benefited from this escapade? Yes Abraham, but more so Isaac. In verse 7 we see Isaac question his father about the sacrificial offering and Abraham answered, "God will provide..." In verse 9, Abraham ties his son on the altar on top of the wood, and Isaac doesn't resist. In verse 13 Abraham sees a ram caught in a thicket - God has provided. And Abraham trusted God because that's what happens over a lifetime of being in a relationship with someone you respect and care for. That's why Abraham confidently told his servants, "Stay here with the donkey. The boy and I will travel a little farther. We will worship there, and then we will come right back." Prayer: Thank You Lord for providing so abundantly for all my needs. Comments are closed.
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