Hosea 9 - Day 750 (link to reading)
Scripture: Hosea 9:7-9 Commentary (thewarehouse.blog): The definition for bankruptcy is an interesting word to consider. Besides dealing with finances, according to the dictionary, it also means: the state of being completely lacking in a particular quality or value; utter failure or impoverishment. But how do we get there? How do we end up in a place of utter spiritual impoverishment and lacking value or quality? For the Israelites, it was the slippery slope of compromise. It began innocently enough I’m sure but slipped into full-blown rebellion by the time it was over. With each turn downward their hearts became hardened, their minds steeled to Truth. Before they knew it they were far away from the God who created and called them. They failed to see the necessity of keeping in check their own standing before Him. Application: There are consequences for our actions. Even though we are all sinners, saved by the grace of God, we also have the Holy Spirit. Yes, we mess up and there are consequences but instead of wallowing in our self-pity, we can choose to repent and be sanctified because the Holy Spirit lives in us. Prayer: Lord, help my unbelief... Comments are closed.
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