Jeremiah 43 - Day 693 (link to reading)
Scripture: Jeremiah 43:1-13 Commentary ( You would like to think that God’s miraculous redemption of His people from bondage in Egypt would have confirmed their hearts in submission to His providential care. But when times of pressure arise, we find the Jews fleeing back to Egypt in direct rebellion to God’s revealed will. How prone our hearts are to wander and forget the faithfulness of our God. How arrogant we become at times in considering our thoughts and ways to be superior to God’s revealed plan. This passage should give us pause to sincerely seek the Lord’s will so as to avoid making a mess of our lives. Application: For the past 40+ years Jeremiah has faithfully shared God's instructions with the Israelites. However, time and again, they have disregarded Jeremiah and his warnings. After the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem, you would think that the Israelites would trust Jeremiah but instead, we witness their stubbornness. Sadly, I can relate to their rebellious hearts. Prayer: Lord Jesus, have mercy on me a sinner... Comments are closed.
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