Jeremiah 44 - Day 694 (link to reading)
Scripture: Jeremiah 44:16-19 Commentary ( The Jews in this chapter chose to view their circumstances as a result of not offering incense to the “queen of heaven.” They completely failed to recognize the connection between leaving the Lord and their dire situation. They had already determined in their minds to serve other gods. The truth could not reach them because of this determination. They were, in fact, stubborn in their sin. Application: The Israelites were blinded by their arrogance and stubborn hearts. "Ainokea" I do what I like - sound familiar? This same attitude has plagued human beings from the garden of Eden. The only cure for this type of sin is dying to ourselves, picking up our cross, and following Jesus. Sadly, everyone will die a physical death but hold onto their "freedom" to do as they please. Prayer: Lord Jesus, have mercy on me a sinner... Comments are closed.
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