Job 22 - Day 1027 (link to reading)
Scripture: Job 22:21-28 Commentary ( The third and final round begins between Job and his friends. The first cycle his friends spoke in generalities, without making their doctrine specifically to Job and what was going on with him. The second round dealt with those who were wicked and how God punishes them. Job was the focus. His rebuttal to each of these men is in complete contradiction to their own ideas. Now the third begins and when all is said and done, there is nothing left to state and a gap between the men stands wide open. Eliphaz opens this round and has nothing new to state. Once again truth is mixed with opinion here as he confronts Job on sin in his life. That said, toward the end in his own way was trying to offer hope to Job that if he would simply stop lying and confess his sin – God would be merciful. The last portion of what Eliphaz says is a spot on beautiful picture of the restoration God brings to those who return to him. It marks that of confession, mercy and God bringing peace to the repentant. These words hold what takes place when we repent, but as we know, do not apply to Job and his situation. Application: Even when I think I'm right, I'm learning to rethink (repent) my position because my arrogance hinders my thought process. Prayer: Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy... Comments are closed.
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