Job 23 - Day 1028 (link to reading)
Scripture: Job 23:1-10 Commentary ( Some translations read east, west, north, and south. This would have been a metaphor for the fact that Job cannot find God anywhere. By his perception, God has vanished or hidden Himself. The ever-present God (as Psalms would describe Him) cannot be felt. Have you ever thought this about God? I can remember experiencing a dark time in my ministry career when I had to step out of a job without really knowing what I was going to do next. I knew my time at my current position was over, but I wanted something firm lined up for an easy transition. I had been in talks with an opportunity, but there were no guarantees. I can remember calling a friend during this time and complaining. “I can’t feel God!… He’s gone silent!… I have no direction!” Now, it seems a little over-dramatic, but at the time, it was brutal. I wrestled so much with why I had to be in this place of limbo. In a very small way, I felt like Job. My prayers seemingly were going unanswered and my dream of being in ministry seemed far away. It would be in these moments where I would learn to lean more heavily on Him. Application: In his defense, Job asked to be judged by God himself because he wanted the opportunity to speak to the Almighty Creator face to face. Wow. Knowing myself, I wouldn't do that - ever. However, the book of Job gives us permission to do so, if you think you're as righteous as Job. Prayer: Lord Jesus have mercy on me a sinner... Comments are closed.
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