Job 24 - Day 1029 (link to reading)
Scripture: Job 24 Commentary ( We’ve all been there. We look upon those who are wicked, the people who seemingly get away with complete defiance to the ways of God; we gaze upon these who are not caught in their deceit and wonder, “Why isn’t God doing something?!” Right? We’ve all been there. Job posed the same question as he looked at his life and saw how he had been blessed then unexplainably been hit so hard and stripped of everything. It made no sense. Obviously, all the introspection led him to consider his own ways, which he sees he’s been blameless and had not done anything deserving of such tragedy. His perspective shifting outward, the questions had him reeling. “Why are these others not sold out to God getting away with so much?” This chapter is difficult as Job questions many things. Giving examples of people who labor and strive to do right or good are met with hardship and tragedy. Application: As finite beings, we strive to know why things happen the way that they do so we can "fix" the problem. Sometimes things happen just because life isn't fair. My simple answer doesn't help us feel better, but at least it makes us lean on God. Prayer: Lord, have mercy... Comments are closed.
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