Zephaniah 2 - Day 968 (link to reading)
Scripture: Zephaniah 2 Commentary (thefellowship.site): After calling Judah to gather, Zephaniah proceeds to call Judah a "shameless nation" (Zephaniah 2:1). Having read the description of this nation in Zephaniah 1:4-6, we know that this is not an unwarranted accusation. But as we read this, let's not distance ourselves and think that this is for an ancient society thousands of years ago. Do you see that the same charge God brings on Judah is the same thing He can level on us today? We cannot remove ourselves from this passage, and we know that this description of "shameless nation" is also us. We too, are prone to partial repentance from a heart with mixed allegiances. Like Judah then, today, we often profess faith in God but still cling on to things of this world such as our idols and security. Application: Our sins separate us from God. Zephaniah called all of Judah to hear God's warning, not just the obvious sinners. Reading the Old Testament prophecies should convict us of our sins and motivate us toward repentance. Prayer: Lord Jesus, have mercy on me a sinner... Comments are closed.
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